Call Us at 508-695-CARE

The Best in Infant Care, Child Care and Early Education


Infant Program Philosophy

Our infant program is designed as a partnership between caregiver and family. We work with parents to meet the individual needs of each infant. We provide a nurturing and loving environment for the infants in our care. We encourage parents to visit or call at any time during the day. Each infants’ needs are met based on his or her unique schedule. We work closely with parents to make the transition to the infant room a comfortable and positive experience for both infant and parent.

Caregivers interact with each infant on his or her level, offering smiles, encouragement, cuddling, rocking, singing, stories, fine and gross motor skills, and lots of love. We continuously introduce new, age-appropriate activities’ to the room and provide an ever-changing environment to stimulate curiosity, exploration, and discovery. A chronicle of each infant's activities of the day, in addition to feeding, napping, and diaper-changing information, is recorded and shared daily with parents at the end of each day.

Here are a few milestones that your infant may accomplish while in our program (Remember that each child is unique and develops at his or her own pace):

Smiling · Eating semi-solid & solid food · Rolling over · Sitting up · Holding his or her own bottle or Cup · Walking, Creeping & Crawling · Pulling to stand · Cruising

We recognize the challenges and emotional strain of returning to work and leaving your child with another caregiver. We are here to support families and to provide on environment accommodates a smooth transition for both infant and parent.

Toddler Program Philosophy

We believe that mixed age groups allow children to learn at their own pace while providing the younger children in the group with positive role models. The older children in the group are given the opportunity to feel successful and self-confident because of their greater maturity and competence. Also this allows the younger children to be led by the older children which promotes a sense of independence among the younger group.

We believe that the work of a child is his or her play and that play serves as a vehicle learning. We offer both teacher-initiated and freechoice activities throughout the day to develop social, fine motor, gross motor, language, and thinking skills. We encourage discovery and exploration. We are child-focused and use children's interests to guide activities.

Our daily routine includes: · Circle time · Group snack and lunch · Free play & art projects/creative expression · Sensory sound and water play · Block-play, manipulative play, book discovery · Story listening, dramatic play · Music and movement, and outdoor play

We explore together and grow together and allow each child to develop at his or her own Pace. We promote independence and foster feelings of success and accomplishment.

Our toddlers are given the opportunity to develop a sense of independence, a sense of self, and an awareness of and compassion for the world around them.

Preschool Program Philosophy

We believe that the work of a pre-school child is his or her play. Play serves as a vehicle for learning. Through a variety of play stations, we provide a setting that will:

Develop social skills and provide opportunities for children to make friends. · Build self-esteem and self-confidence and encourage independence. · Allow children to develop a sense of self and an awareness of the world around them. · Provide opportunities to be part of a group, to compromise, to share, to lead, and to follow. · Stimulate cognitive development, curiosity, and a desire to learn. · Encourage exploration, discovery, creativity, and imagination. · Increase language, listening, and attention skills. · Provide opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and gross motor skills. · Promote growth and learning in a nurturing environment. · Help children to be caring, accepting friend to others, and to accept others differences. · We strive to ensure thot each child is given the opportunity to develop the foundation necessary for a lifetime of enjoyable learning.


Address: Twinkle Little Star
115 Commonwealth Ave
Attleboro Falls, MA 02763

Phone: (508) 695-CARE

Address: Twinkle Little Star
121 N Main St
Attleboro, MA 02703

Phone: (774) 203-3712